Here are six ways you can be involved with Indivisible Boise Chapter One:

1. Attend Events.

We organize rallies, marches and other events to let our voices be heard. The more members we have at these events, the more powerful our collective voice. Sign up for our emails and newsletters, check out our Resistance Alerts, and visit our Calendar page.

2. Call and write to our members of Congress.

Rallies and protests get the media attention, but phone calls, letters and emails to our local members of Congress are even more powerful resistance tools. Powerful because our representatives are required to keep a record of each and every contact they receive from constituents. These contacts are counted and considered when decisions are being made. Sign up for our emails and newsletters, and refer to our weekly Talking Points.

3. Visit our members of Congress.

Making regular visits to our members of Congress is a key strategy in the national Indivisible guide. Topics are determined by the national Indivisible office, and our discussion is based on synopses and questions provided by our Research Committee. We make our points with conviction, but we are always courteous and respectful. Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.

4. Register voters.

Indivisible Boise Chapter One is actively registering voters, both at events as well as canvassing neighborhoods. In 2017, we initiated the ‘I Registered Five” program, calling all progressive in Idaho to register five new voters! Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.

5. Petitions for the the Minimum Wage Initiative.

Indivisible Boise Chapter One is endorsing this petition drive to bring over 200,000 Idahoans out of poverty.  No one working full-time should be in poverty and one full-time job should be enough! Also you can find more information at ‘Idaho for a Fair Wage‘.  Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.

6. Volunteer for leadership position.

We need volunteer for leadership positions for the following:  a) Recruitment Coordinator — works to spread the word about our group to interested progressive people and bring in new members. b) Social Media Coordinator — Maintains our Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat accounts, monitoring our website and Facebook pages and working with our leader to get our message out to potential new members and to the public at large. Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.

7. Track our members of Congress.

Like diligent detectives, our Congress Watch Committee closely monitors the words, actions and whereabouts of our representatives in Washington. After scrutinizing their websites, Twitter accounts and press coverage, it then passes on relevant information to our other committees, especially the research team. Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.

8. Research the issues.

With Trump in the White House, there is too much happening too fast for anyone to stay abreast of it all. Fortunately, our crack17-member Research Committee prepares synopses and key questions on the top issues. Their work is used extensively by our members and posted on our website. Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.

9. Reach out into the community.

If you like to talk and meet new people, our Outreach Team would love to hear from you. We need people to help us recruit members by describing the goals, scope and activities of Indivisible Boise Chapter One to individuals and groups. We also seek people to serve as liaisons with other local organizations with similar goals and to explore ways to collaborate on projects and events. Contact: Indivisible Boise Chapter One.