Indivisible Boise Chapter One is thrilled to announce a partnership with TurboVote, allowing us to register voters in all 50 states and DC!

Our TurboVote site is a one-stop stop for voters throughout the country, where they can register to vote, sign up for the all-important vote-by-mail ballots during this pandemic, find out early voting information and polling locations on Election Day and much more.

If you are not registered or signed up for vote-by-mail, click on the link now to get set up for the November election.  Help others by forwarding this email to everyone you know, including friends and family out-of-state.

Because of President Trump’s slowdown of the U.S. Mail, we strongly encourage you to 1) fill out your request form today, 2) fill out your ballot the day you get it, and 3) either drop off your ballot at your county election office (preferred) or mail your completed ballot the next day after you receive it.  We want your vote to count!

(This site helps you find the location of your county election office):