Fundraising for Indivisible Boise Chapter One

If you agree that our efforts can make a difference in winning more elections next cycle, we can all pool together and accomplish some pretty great things.

Indivisible Boise Chapter One is now a political action committee, which means we can now work with our Indivisible Boise Chapter One legislative, statewide, and federal candidates to help them get elected. We have three separate accounts, and when you contribute, please be sure to tell us how you want your contribution used.

  1. “Core” activities (those we have always done, such as rallies and protests, voter registration drives, get-out-the-vote campaigns, training seminars, workshops, etc.
  2. Efforts to win legislative and statewide elections.
  3. Efforts to win Congressional or Senate elections or the presidency.

Our regular Cash Flow reports will now show contributions received and expenses paid for each of the three accounts.

There are several ways you can help out with expenses.

  1. You can either bring the cash or check and leave it with me at one of our voter registration events, or mail a check made out to Indivisible Boise Chapter One to me at 5299 North Maidstone Way, Boise, ID 83713. These are the preferred methods as 100% of your contributions go to the cause.
  2. You can also now donate through the Indivisible Project on ActBlue, in which 10% of your contribution goes to the Indivisible Project. Contributions are limited to local organizing activities and actions or federal campaigns. When you donate through ActBlue, please specify which of the two purposes you wish to donate.
  3. You can also send it via the Square App on your iPhone by using the Cashtag ‘IndBoich1’, pay via YouCaring at this address: ‘’.

  4. You can also via PayPal using the e-mail address of ‘’.

Donation options 2, 3 and 4 take a percentage of your donation.

Thanks to all who are able to help!